ikechukwuonu This Is The Homepage Update Codes, Change "1122559096" To Your Own Simple Forum Post/Forum Updates Id That I Mentioned Below. Read It Carefully
<style type='text/css'><br>
#w a:link {<br>
color: black;<br>
#w a:visited {<br>
color: gray;<br>
#w a:hover {<br>
Background-color: #F0F8FF;<br>
#w a:active {<br>
color: gray;<br>
} </style><div align='center' style='font-size:20px;'><ul class="disclosure table group" id='w' style='color: #000; background: #fff; text-align: left;border: #d1d0ce solid 1px;' name='beecoded'>:forumlist:f=112559096,l=10,s=:get-number(1):,o=n::<li class="page_item page-item-167" style='text-align:left;' name=''><h2>%text%</h2><right><span align='right' style='color:#504A4B; font-size:18px;'><small>%time%</small></span></right></li>:: :/forumlist:</ul><center><div class="">:paging:n=:geti-number(1):,u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-number=%n%:admin-hash-amp: ::<div class='update' style="color: #000; padding: 0px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; border: #d1d0ce solid 1px; background: #fff; text-align: left; "><table class='' width='100%'><tr><td width='50%' align='left'>%prev%</td><td width='50%' align='right'>%next%</td></tr></table></div><style> <br>
.hta%nlast%{ display: none;} <br>
.ht:get-number(1):{ display: none;}</style>:/paging:</div></center></div>
Copy code Tagging=Manual Not Auto Let Get Started, This Tutorial Requires Your Full Patient And 100% Knowledge Of Your Understanding, But Its Simple As ABC, So If You Dont Get It Once And For All, Try And Read It Over And Over Again. Create one New Simple Forum Simple Forum 1 Name=Post/Forum Updates Then Note The Id. Now Goto Your Site's Forum Bottom Autocontent, Paste This Code
<style>.nin{display: none;}</style><br>
<div class='nin'>:forum-112559096/smallform/0:</div><script type='text/javascript'><br>
dtoken=document.getElementsByName("d_token")[0].value; </script><form method="post" action="forum_add_112559096.xhtml"><input type="hidden" name="meno" value=":user-tname:"/><script type="text/javascript"> var dhd = ':getid-url:'; var yur = dhd.split( "hash" )[1]; var yurliii = yur.split( "tema" )[1]; var yurlk = '/forum2_theme_:getid-forum:.xhtml?tema' yurliii; var messag = ":getid-forum:"; var jeel = messag.split( "tema" )[0]; var s1 = document.getElementById('s1').innerHTML; document.write('<input type="text" name="text" value="<a href="' yurlk '">' s1 '</a>"/>');</script>:admin-hash-input:<script type="text/javascript">dtoken=document.getElementsByName("d_token")[0].value; document.write('<input type="hid' 'den" name="d_token" value="' dtoken '"/' '>');</script><input type="hidden" name="ret_s" value="0"/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Tag 2 HOMEPAGE"/></form>
Copy code Replace The Simple Forum Id In D Above Code With Your Post/Forum Updates Id (Take Note, D Plus Sign Must Be Present). Useage=Anytime You Created A Meanifull Topic, Either By You Or Your Users,You Can Tag It To Homepage (If Its A New Topic), But If The Topic Is An Old Topic And You Wanted To Tag It To Homepage, You Will See "temaundefined" , Change It To "tema=topic id" e.g "tema=205" .