Beecoded give me d code for ur guestbook and chatroom
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<div class="hdr"><span class="name"><center><div class="name">Featured Track</div></span><br/><img src="/admin/image/hardstone.jpg" alt="stone" height="80" width="80" class="mido_datas"/><br /></center><div style="text-align:center;"><font color="green"><b>"show your blessing"</b></font><br/><b> By</b><font color="red"><b> Hardstone Ft Plabouy.</b></font></div><br /><div style="text-align:center;"><span class="mido1"><a href="/download?file=Show%20yr%20blessing_Hardstone%20Ft%20Playbouy.mp3&name=Show%20yr%20blessing%20Hardstone%20Ft%20Playbouy.mp3&category=audio/mpeg&size=3.24MB&link="><b><img src=''/><div class="name">DOWNLOAD</div></b></a></span></div><br /><div style="text-align:center;"><span class="promote_music"><b>To Promote Your Music Click <a href="/promote"><font color="red"><div class="nfooter"<b><center>Here..</center></b></div></font></a></b></span></div></div>
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Beecoded pls can u give me d code dat u use to show d music in ur homepage nd d promte stuff
Beecoded happy new year to you bro, pls how can i get free huge traffic to my website
Beecoded bro, i swear you dey make me laugh oo. thanks for the other time bt pls i need ur help again, shuld i give u my password and username of my xtgem account, pls i dnt knw how to do dat download page.
Beecoded Or u can use dis simple method Past diz css on top of d page ware u want to show
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all,handheld"/>
Copy code u wl use div class wit ur logo
<div class="xtgem">
Chylin U can use diz
<center><div align="center" style="background:url( no-repeat top left; width:235px;"><right><div style="background:url( no-repeat bottom right; padding-top:70px;"></right></div></div></center>
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Beecoded yes, wit full explanation